
Class #12 Dating Practices

My Ideal Partner's characteristics
honesty 67%
income 20%
sense of value 10%
looking 3%

honesty: Not betraing is the most important personality I require for my partner.

income: I know money does not necessarily make us happy, but I think we cannot live happily without money.

sense of value: I can not get along well the partner who has a big different sense of value, for example, about money.

look: I do not plave a special emphasis on how he look, I think...

9 件のコメント:

  1. I am very sorry but I have misplaced the sign-up sheet with the volunteers names and email addresses on it. If you signed up to make potato salad, set-up, cook/serve food, or clean up, please leave me a comment!

  2. I think a sense of value is important, too.
    How do you decide a partner that he or she has the same sense of value as you?
    While dating?
    I think it is difficult to know whether our partner has the same sense of value as us.

  3. I agre with income comment.
    We cannot live happily without money.
    This sentence is I think so too.

  4. Your thinking is very reality...
    My graph is very unreality because my most important point is foreigners...

    And, I agree with your opinions. Honesty is very important!!! I don't want my boy friend to have another girl!!!
    I don't want him to tell lies!!!
    I want to love all of him!!

    You chhose looks in our graph, and it is only 3%.
    I wouldn't like emphasize looks, but I can't help see face.
    I love good looking foreigners, especially John Herbert♪

  5. Hello!
    I have seen you pie, and I agree with you. The most ideal partner's characteristics in your pie is honesty. ALso, in my opinion, I think honesty is the personality that every human being should possess.

  6. Hi!!
    I agree with you.
    I think we need adequate income☆”

  7. Hi,
    your pie chart is very interesting for me.
    Looking is the most low % in your pie chat and almost % is honestly.
    I think sense of value is also need for us.

  8. Hi!
    I really agree with you!
    I also think my partner should have nice personality.

  9. Hello.
    I agree with you.
    I think honestly is very important.
