
Class #2 What is Culture? What is CCC?

Monday, April 20, 2009

For homework, read the newspaper for the next week and find an article that has to do with cross culture communication problems. Post the link to this article, summarize it in your blog in English. It can be an English newspaper (Japan Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Yomiuri, Asahi) or a Japanese newspaper. Just remember to summarize it in English in your blog!


Takeshima, Dokuto in Korean language, is still one of the biggest problems between South Korean and Japan. At present, the island is under control of the South Korean army although this problem is open to dispute. Also, Japan insists its sovereignty of the island.
The above article reports that Shimane prefecture has made the sub-texts for elementary school and middle school students to learn Takeshima. That teaching material is aimed at better understanding of Takeshima, and it is the first trial.

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