
Class #14 Politics and Reflections

Class #14 Politics and Reflections

If you were working for the UN, which job would like to do using your English abilities? Why?

If I could work for the United Nations, UN, I would like be involved in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

FAO is a speciallized institution, mainly working on defeating hunger.
Its efforts range over several issues, such as "agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices, ensuring good nutrition and food security for all."

In June 2008, it held the High-Level Conference on World Food Security.
The former prim minister Yasuo Hukuda also joined the summit.

The food and agriculture is essential for our life.
In particular, Japan food self-sufficiecy rate is just 40%.
We should work on this issue, seriously.

5 件のコメント:

  1. hi!! Yes I agree with you. Foods and agricultures are essential for our life.We cannot live without them.

  2. Hello!
    I agree with you ,too. We can not live without food. So if you work in FAO you can learn a lot of knowledge about food and secirity.

  3. Hi,
    Your opinion sounds great and I understand that you think these problems about food seriously!

  4. Hi sen,
    I agree with your opinion.
    The food and agriculture is essential for our life.
    We must thinking about this things very seriously.

  5. hi!
    you are great cause you seriously think about world problem, i was just thinking about my favolite work though..
